
GPT4YourCV is a web application that leverages AI to generate personalized, job-specific resumes. The aim is to simplify the application process for users by automatically tailoring their resumes to the requirements of job postings.

How It Works

Step 1: Log in to the app

Log in to the app

Step 2: Fill in the form with your data

Fill in your data

Step 3: Paste the job description and generate CV

Generate CV

What You Get

Preview of the generated resume

Preview of generated resume

Browse previously generated resumes

Browse previous resumes

Technologies Used

  • Frontend & Backend: Streamlit (Python)
  • AI: GPT-4 (OpenAI API)
  • Database:
    • Firestore Database
    • Firebase Storage
      • Firestore Database stores links to larger files which are stored in Firebase Storage. This approach leverages the advantages of both solutions, making the process faster and more cost-effective.
  • Authentication: Firebase Authentication

Next Steps

  • Build an evaluation pipeline with a larger test dataset. This will allow for treating prompt engineering as a data science problem.
  • Allow users to categorize the generated resumes.
  • Deploy on Google Cloud Platform.
  • Integrate a payment system.