Master’s in Computer Science (AI specialization)

WUT (Warsaw University of Technology), 2023 - Present (Expected Graduation: 2025), Warsaw, Poland

  • Major in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence specialization)
  • GPA: 4.49/5

Bachelor’s in Computer Science (AI specialization)

WUT (Warsaw University of Technology), 2020 - 2023, Warsaw, Poland

  • Major in Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence specialization)
  • Final grade: 5 (very good)
  • Engineering thesis about AutoML was awarded a distinction for solid and valuable results.
  • Took first place in a competition during the Artificial Neural Networks course
    • The projects were related to: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Transformers, Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Natural Language Processing (NLP)